What type of project do you need help with?

I’ll work with you to create a new Jamstack marketing or eCommerce site that works towards your business goals.

Jamstack marketing site

  • Your current marketing website is outdated or isn’t meeting your business goals
  • Your current marketing website is hard to manage, has security problems or is slow
  • You need a new marketing website to promote your product or business to users, stakeholders or investors
Enquire about a Jamstack marketing site

Jamstack eCommerce site

  • Your current eCommerce website is outdated and needs a redesign
  • Your current eCommerce website isn’t converting or meeting your business goals
  • You need a new eCommerce website to sell your products online
Enquire about a Jamstack eCommerce site

Benefits of the Jamstack

The Jamstack is a new way of building websites and apps. It does away with the database and leverages third-party services to create fast websites with higher security and a lower cost to scale – great for a business of any size.


Why wait for pages to build on the fly when you can generate them ahead of time? Jamstack websites are up to 10 times faster than a traditional website


Jamstack websites also gain better search rankings, which means more traffic and more revenue for your business


No database, no plugins and a pre-built website means the surface area for attack is massively reduced which results in fewer security expenses


Jamstack websites scale with your business and user base, meaning you only have to start paying more when your business and audience grow


The carbon footprint for a Jamstack website tends to be smaller than a traditional website as it is not connected to a server amongst other things

What goes into a design project?

Design is more than just how something looks, a great looking design on its own will rarely give the outcome you’re after.


Wireframes help to lay the foundation for your website. They put the focus on your goals, by getting the content, layout and hierarchy right.

Interactive prototype

Designs are then used to create a clickable prototype, so you can get a real feeling of how your website will work.

UI design

Wireframes are then styled up to achieve the final look and feel. Designs are shared early and often so you aren’t left feeling blindsided.


A styleguide is put together to keep everything consistent as the project grows, plus making it easier for developers to get started.

What goes into a development project?

A great website is the result of many different facets coming together – usually things you can’t see at first.


Website performance can make or break a business nowadays – both users and search engines expect websites to be fast.


SEO can be divided into two broad categories, technical and non-technical. How your site has been built will determine its technical SEO.


Animation is no longer a nice to have, when done right it has some real benefits when it comes to the user experience.


Disabilities come in all shapes and sizes, having an inclusive website gives you an edge over your competitors.

Pattern library

A pattern library is a collection of small, reusable UI components that are used to build up different pages on your website.


It’s easy to forget that digital projects play a role in climate change, but through proper optimisation, the effects can be reduced.

Technologies I use

Modern technologies I use to push your business forward.

  • NextJS
  • Gatsby
  • Prismic
  • Shopify
  • Vercel
  • Netlify

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Let’s turn your website into a tool that’ll push your business forward.

Frequently asked questions

Have a question? I’m confident you’ll find the answer here, but if not please email hello@robsimpson.digital


My preferred technical stack is the JAMstack, I use technologies like Gatsby and Next as the framework for websites, coupled with a headless CMS like Prismic or Dato for the data layer and hook it up to Netlify or Vercel for hosting.


Yes. I’m often approached by teams who’ve already designed a new website and are looking for a developer to bring it to life.


Pricing can vary greatly from project to project (based on the skills you require and your technical requirements). If you’re after a marketing site prices start from £6,450 and if you’re after an eCommerce site prices start at £14,950.


A typical Jamstack website with 4-5 different templates usually takes between 4-8 weeks to design and build (with full CMS options). Assuming timely delivery of content, assets etc.


Majority of the time yes. On the rare occasion that I might need some additional help on a project, I only ever work with Kev Simpson (my brother) who is a highly skilled front-end developer who I can trust to get the work done to that standard I’d expect.


I take 50% upfront (before any work begins) and 50% on completion (once design or development is complete). For bigger projects they’ll be billed 50% upfront and then 2 payments of 25% at agreed milestones.


I rarely have immediate availability, I’m typically booked up for 1-2 months in advance. If you’re interested in working with me, please tell me about your project as soon as possible.


Yes. Once your project is complete I offer ongoing support to my clients who need or want it. This is usually to add additional features as their business grows and changes over time.

Client success stories

Hearing how happy my clients are is the best part of what I do.

Rob has a unique ability to understand user experience needs, produce aesthetically pleasing designs, and write maintainable / modular code. To anyone in search of a highly creative and experienced developer for their next project - look no further.

David LaubCo-Founder at Howl

Rob really understood the value of a great user experience and looked at how page transitions could enhance this. Optimisation was also a key part of the build. By compressing content, minimising the amount of plug-ins used and cross device testing he was able to deliver a modern, unique and responsive website.

David SewellBranding & Digital Designer